martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012

Welcome to our ebooklets:

Every information you get from this blog may help you know about how the education is in Ecuador and how many tries the teachers have made until these days but the goverments do not let these happen.

This ebooklet is named 'Sociology of Education' written by Williams Maldonado in 2011, a well-experienced teacher, but not for that reason you may figured at him as elder as a wise. Yeah, It´s just because his experience at teaching allowed him to critizice and summarize about important facts on education in Ecuador as well as some Latinamerican countries.
Welcome again!

                                                  SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION


     Ecuador is a country in South America which possesses a variety of natural resources. It’s one of few countries on earth that has an unrivaled geographical position none compared to other countries around the world.
     Unfortunately, this geographical circumstance is not considered really useful from the government and it does not see it as strength for both programming and planning the Educational Curriculum.

     The present text is a result of a serious and sensible analysis of the crisis which the educational system is going through; and how to figure out such crisis ingeniously.

     In such a way, inside section one, you will find information about: a general overview of the Ecuadorian Education, the profile of the new educator, the education and technology, the self-learning process, etc., for section two, the author analyses the function of the globalization, the role of the United Nations, the impact caused by the foreign debt.

     In section three you'll see an overview of the public sector, a description of the educational public sector, the investments in Health and Education areas, as well as the State´s general budget, etc.; in section four you are going to identify the role of the education in the employment and the country's economy; and finally in section five you, as a good reader, will get some topics about the Internet and its role in the Latin-American education.



  To provide a general overview of the Education in Ecuador.

General overview

     Ecuador like many other countries in the Andean region, has come intruding in a sort of social commitment that allows it leaving the current tragedy in which its national educational system is (as both  public and private, since the mid of XX century) trying overcoming these facts:

a)    To apply those ancestral concepts of education by using paradigms and/or traditional focuses on the old school.
b)    High use of both the behaviorist and the cognitive methods but lower employment of the criticism and the student’s personal opinion as well.
c)    Being based on foreign educational models. 
d)    Motivating to the classic use of the memory and the calculating process, but rejecting the research development. 
e)    Not to emphasis on the learning process by means of pair work and group work techniques, and some more.
Definition of Sociology 
    According to the Latin-American Association of Sociology (LAAS2009), it is the human science that studies the development, the structure and the function of society.  

Sociology of education
It is in charge of analyzing and studying the interactions of the man's daily life with the educational environment, their problems as well as the achievements in today’s education (Idem).

X-ray on today’s educational crisis

     Far from minimizing the pedagogic and literary contributions proposed by teachers as Paulo Freire (Brazil), María Montessori as well as Leonidas Proaño (Ecuador), among other agents of social changes; the labor unions of Ecuadorian teachers should also encourage themselves to leave the Educational Crisis with creativity.

     Seeing as this analysis is focused, it´s important to recognize what are those factors that have given the impression of seriously being the origin of the Crisis on Educacion. These are the followings:

The incidence of the ideological and political facts that have marked the pre- republican life of Ecuador and that has been regarded as one of the first causes. This historical fact pointed out limits to the Ecuador’s first citizens (mid XVIII century) to access to the reading of all type of books and, at least, being educated whether anyone was not a Spanish citizen or their descendant from any white race.

* The lack of State’s policy in accordance with the social demands such as: health, housing and education all those still waiting. 

* Another element in the educational crisis, according to the historical documents, has been the poor investment in matter of school infrastructure, which has impeded both the rational and appropriate use of the Public rooms.

* The fourth element in this analysis deals with those public schools that are still sharing the same teaching rooms as well as: school furniture, laboratories, snack bar and also some offices because they don't have their own rooms.

* The last element in this diagnosis is either the poor or no training in long-term seminars guided by the educational authorities of the Ministry of Education to administrators, school teachers and part-time teachers.

 Therefore, the Ministry of Education[1] has been considered by the educational community as the number one responsible to overcome the educational crisis, together with all of teachers, the teachers’ Labor Union (UNE and FEDEEPAL2003) and finally the society in general, in order to get a new educational face.

[1] The Ministry of Ecuadorian Education.- Government Institution, which is dedicated to delineate the educational policies inside the National Plan of  Educational System. This is the reason why, all educational institution both public and private should be ruled and managed by following the Government´s rules; and, applying the Organic Law of Education. Ministry Of Education: (Leaflet No 205.  2010: 129)

     As a result of last facts, it is advisable to act out right now without forgetting that the alternatives of solution, for those non-overcome troubles in education, rest in the people’s creativity. That implies; to design some self-management projects to reach financial resources that have never been considered before as a part-time aid.

     Close to making-up some educational proposals is needed to consider the educational community’s role, where these projects of change will look inserted. It either implies the possibility to make those regions and communities benefit where this helping hand is required.

     With these elements of action, Ecuador can face those old plans and educational programs as well as to leave behind the classic attitudes and conventional ideas, came from some high officials of government (anyone); what let us interpret that, something that was exposed by Adam Smith (1826) as for this topic: 'there are two forms to conquer and to enslave a nation, the first one with the sword and the second one with a debt'. Unfortunately the indebtedness is still present in Ecuador ostensibly to support the usual crisis.

      This last has not made any difference inside the crisis, more than generating a momentous change in educational politics, because they usually assist and respond the advice given by the Neoliberal Model[2] still existing in different working areas (G Morales2001); it implies to offer an education familiarized with the demands of the labour market.
(be continued..)

[2] MORALES G, El Cambio Cualitativo de la Educación. Sept.ima Edición 2001

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